In the movie, "It's a Wonderful Life," the angel tells George Bailey, “You have been given a great gift.” Yes, you do and, if we are people of faith, we are called by God to not squander those.
In this picture, you see what
I made for a romance group’s Christmas party where organizers
challenged each member to bring gifts they created.
Some may not think my creative juices were that great, but I am proud of what I made, especially since many of the items I used came from materials my deceased mother had. To make the eyeglass case, I used her felt and sewed a flower she made onto the case. The small notebook I decorated with Mom's felt and a cross I had on hand along with trimming the book with rickrack. The larger notebook I adorned with my Courtships and Carriages bookmark and again trimmed the book with pink rickrack. I would never describe myself as being "crafty," but I was proud of this achievement.
Be proud of your achievements,
too, even though it is difficult at times. Readers have no idea how much work is required to produce a piece of writing we call our best.
This gets me thinking about my craft
items. I wonder if the receiver of my gifts liked it. I hope so but in reality
it does not matter. What matters is if we like what we created. If so, smile and move forward.
Rejections are part of life. There are some people who never will like us, but rejections of any form are difficult to take. However, what we need to do is to persevere.
I market my book at a lot of craft
fairs, and I can tell you responses vary from “I liked that book” to “I liked
your other book better” to no comment at all. Some readers like stories without much substance while others like substance. It is in the eye of the beholder. When people do make a comment about your book, it means two things -- they either did not like it or they have not read it, yet. I can testify to the latter since my bookcase still
contains Bill O’Reilly’s book, Killing
Kennedy, and he has had two books released since then.
However, remember no matter how
discouraged you get (and we all do) salvage the fun and satisfaction of a
finished product you created and loved. Now, GO AND CREATE! God bless, and it is good to be blogging again after a few months absence.